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Sad Quotes For When Life Gets Rough

Do you sometimes feel like no word can describe how much you feel at times? It’s really hard but these sad quotes will make you feel related to and heard today. 

#1 Never get too attached

You can wipe away someone’s tears, but not their pain.

#2 The worst feeling

The worst feeling is when you think you’re annoying the only person you wanna talk to. 

#3 Difficult days

Some days, getting out of bed feels like climbing a mountain.

#4 Where shall I go?

The one who left you in storms can never gift you sunshine.

— Kavya Dixit

#5 Fall asleep before you fall apart

Sometimes, all you can do is lie in bed, and hope to fall asleep before you fall apart. 

- William C. Hannan

#6 A lot changed me

They said I changed a lot; I said a lot changed me.

#7 The one who loves more

I’m always the one who loves more. That’s my problem.

#8 Getting hurt so much

It’s sad when you get hurt so much that you say: “I’m used to it.”

#9 I can’t explain them

The reason why I keep my feelings to myself is because I can’t explain them.

#10 Happy but sad soul

I got a happy personality with a sad soul, I’m sorry if I be acting weird sometimes.

#11 People tend to leave

People tend to leave. Even those who said they never will.

#12 When someone doesn’t value you

It hurts when you aren’t as important to someone as you thought you were.

#13 Mistake of making you a priority

My mistake was making you a priority when all I was to you was a second choice.

#14 They are already suffering

I wanted revenge so bad but then God whispered: “They are already suffering.”

#15 Strangers with memories

Not friends, not enemies, just strangers with some memories.

#16 What’s “forever”?

Maybe the word “forever” was made for memories, not people.

#17 Everyone disappoints

Everyone you trust, everyone you think you can count on will eventually disappoint you.

#18 A good heart

No matter how good your heart is, you won’t always get the same thing in return.

#19 Distance

Sometimes distance is the only way to find peace.

#20 People teaching you a lesson

Sometimes people’s purpose in your life is to teach you a lesson and make you stronger.

#21 Taking the small things for granted

Sometimes we underestimate the value of moments until they become memories.

#22 Happiness where you lost it

Stop looking for happiness in the same place you lost it.

#23 It seems unfair

It always rains the hardest on people who deserve the sun.

#24 Being mad vs hurt

I’m not mad, I’m hurt. There’s a difference.

#25 Crying is a way your eyes speak

Crying is a way your eyes speak when your mouth can’t explain how broken your heart is.

#26 I see the pain

Sometimes when I say “I’m okay”, I want someone to look me in the eyes, hug me tight and say: “I know you’re not”.

#27 Crying isn’t always weakness

People cry not because they’re weak. It’s because they’ve been strong for too long.

#28 Your favorite person turns to a lesson.

Nothing hurts more than your favorite person turning into a life lesson.

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