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6 Simple Ways To Spot A Fake Person

Being around fake people can weigh on your emotional and mental wellbeing. 

Unfortunately, fake individuals can sometimes be people who are close to us. This makes the situation even more complex as their proximity can make it harder to recognize their insincerity and detach from them. 

However, recognizing the signs of a fake person can be a crucial skill. The signs might not always be glaringly obvious, but certain red flags, which will you will find out shortly, can serve as indicators.

With that said, here they are:

They are nowhere to be found when you need them the most

A genuine person is there for you in both good times and bad. If someone consistently disappears or is unavailable when you’re facing challenges or need support, it could indicate that they might not truly care about your well-being or prioritize your relationship.

They show no genuine interest in your life

Authentic relationships involve mutual interest and care. If someone consistently shows little interest in your thoughts, feelings, and experiences, it might suggest that they are more focused on themselves or have a superficial interest in maintaining the relationship.

They talk about you behind your back

Trust is a cornerstone of healthy relationships. If you discover that someone frequently talks negatively about you when you’re not around, it’s a sign that they might lack honesty and respect, damaging the foundation of your relationship.

They don’t value everyone equally

Treating people differently based on their social status or other factors reveals a lack of genuine respect for individuals. People who only show kindness and respect to those they perceive as “important” might not have sincere intentions in their relationships.

They only show up when it’s convenient for them

Authentic friendships are built on reliability and support. If someone consistently engages with you or reaches out only when it’s beneficial for them, it suggests they might be using the relationship for their own advantage, rather than valuing it for its own sake.

They seek attention to validate themselves

People who constantly seek attention or validation from others might struggle with insecurities. While seeking support is normal, excessive attention-seeking behavior can be a sign of someone who lacks self-confidence and uses external validation to feel better about themselves.

Here are some common effects:

You’ll feel emotionally drained

Individuals who are only around when it’s convenient for them can drain your emotional energy. Their inconsistency and lack of support can leave you feeling neglected and unimportant, affecting your self-esteem and emotional stability.

You might be manipulated and used

Those who seek attention to validate themselves may resort to manipulation and deceit to achieve their goals. Being caught up in their web of manipulation can lead to confusion, frustration, and even harm, as your emotions and decisions might be influenced by their self-serving agenda.

Conflicts become more frequent

Dealing with attention-seeking individuals can be emotionally exhausting. Their constant need for validation can lead to drama, conflicts, and instability in your life, diverting your focus from meaningful pursuits and genuine relationships.
In conclusion, being able to identify these red flags will help prevent the common effects and help you prioritize genuine and authentic relationships built on a foundation of trust, respect, and support for one another.
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