Conversation Buddy

Typewriter Effect

Ideas on things you can talk about


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Let it capture your quesion and most importantly your conversation buddy’s response to get more useful notes to help you follow up with them later on.

What People Are Saying

I found the updated features very user friendly. You learn from people’s stories and experiences which could be valuable. I would recommend trying it out as it appeals to all type of audience


The Social Sphere is one of my favorite features. Based on the takeaways I have from various real life interactions, it’s pretty much my feed of life lessons from real people. I love this so much



The questions it provides helps understand people’s experiences and emotions in a way that feels both supportive and respectful.


I like how the questions guide you to explore the feelings of other’s in a thoughtful way. It’s an amazing resource for turning ordinary conversations into profound exchanges.



A friend of mine was in so much distress after losing their loved one. We played this game and the questions created a deeper sense of connection in a way I hadn’t anticipated.



This game helped me be more present and supportive.
